Category Archives: Dental Emergency Los Angeles

How Mouth Guards Save You

Protecting your teeth is nearly impossible now. Of course, if you take a look at countless bad habits and practices, like smoking and eating junk foods, surely you can figure out why. Due to this, dentists keep on reminding the huge importance of good oral health. Besides sparing your teeth from dental problems, wholesome oral health also promotes a good general well-being.How Mouth Guards Save You

Apparently, not all of us recognize this. Since we have countless dental treatments to rely on, we resort to neglecting our oral health. But did you know that preventive methods are much better compared to restorative dental treatments? Aside from keeping you from complex treatments, preventive dentistry saves your savings, too.

In terms of preventive dentistry, let’s start with dental care and the use of mouth guards.

Mouth guards began in 1890. This is designed to protect your teeth from damages. Therefore, this dental device prevents dental injuries. Most cases, mouth guards are used by athletes or those who are inclined with outdoor activities. This device can also be used in combating bruxism. This involuntary clenching of teeth can induce a number of dental problems, such as persistent headaches, sensitivity, wearing or tearing of teeth, chipped teeth and TMJ.

TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome is a known condition that covers pain and dysfunction of muscles and jaw caused by unconscious clenching of teeth. This complex condition can go for weeks or months if left ignored. And can strongly affect your jaw joints and teeth.

Luckily, mouth guards are there to save you. This type of dental device can be acquired over-the-counter or can be custom-made. Regardless of types, this can effectively reduce risks of dental injuries and treat TMJ or teeth clenching. Nevertheless, personalized mouth guards offer the most comfy fit. As an addition, mouth guards require a trip to your dentist. The reasons are for dental molds, for proper check of the device’s fit and for necessary adjustments.

Mouth guards are truly efficient and useful in protecting your teeth. However, never treat this device as a replacement for dental care. Always remember to practice daily flossing or brushing while you wear your mouth guards.

Click this link now to learn more!

How Can Sedation Dentistry Relax You?

How Can Sedation Dentistry Relax You

Dental fear or anxiety is one of the most prevalent issues faced by mankind today. Regardless of age and gender, the condition prevents you from getting the right dental treatments. Thankfully, you can beat this problem now. Courtesy of sedation dentistry – you can finally face your dentist or get any treatments with ease.

Sedation dentistry is considered as the most in-demand treatment for anxious patients. This refers to the use of pharmacological substances that can relax a patient during the treatment. Sedation dentistry uses sedatives, including tranquilizers, anti-anxiety drugs, depressants and nitrous oxide. All these can provide comfort to the patient’s central nervous system. Central nervous system has different degrees with different level of relaxation needed. This can range from minimal to deep sedation.

Based on experts, there are different levels involved in sedation.

First is the minimal sedation. This keeps the patients relax but awake during the entire treatment. Therefore, they can readily respond to physical stimulation. Second is the moderate sedation. This is often called by dentists as conscious sedation. In this level of sedation, dental patients are more relaxed. However, the effect of the sedation may result to slurring of words when speaking and will cause you not to remember the procedure done by your dentist. Another level of sedation is the deep sedation. This leaves the patient on the edge of consciousness but still awake throughout the treatment. This makes you unresponsive to any stimulation. The last sedation level is the general anesthesia. This leaves you completely unconscious.

Sedation dentistry uses pharmacological agents. These can be obtained in two routes: enteral or parenteral. The enteral route entails medication absorption through your enteric membranes, digestive tract and rectum. The medications of this route can be inserted rectally or swallowed and absorbed by the oral cavity. Contrary, parenteral route involves administration of sedative drugs – not absorption. This includes inhalation, intramuscular and intravenous.

Sedation Dentistry Types & Uses

There are several types of sedation used in dentistry. All these methods provide relaxing and anxiety-free experience to patients. Basically, the type of sedation you receive is based on the treatment. Nevertheless, all these allow anxious patients to receive their rightful treatments with ease. Among the common types of sedation you can enjoy are as follows:

  • Oral Sedation – Oral sedation can be taken from minimal to moderate. This depends on the total dose given. For minimal sedation, you can take a pill, like halcion. This pill will make you drowsy but awake. If you are applied with moderate sedation, contrary, you will receive larger dose which will make you sleepy during the procedure.
  • Inhaled Minimal Sedation – Also known as laughing gas, inhaled minimal sedation utilizes oxygen and a mask. The mask is placed to the patient’s nose which helps you inhale the sedative drug. Inhaled minimal sedation’s effect wears off quickly. Therefore, you can immediately leave the clinic right after the treatment.
  • IV Sedation – IV Sedation has a moderate level of dose of sedative drug. This is administered through a vein. Based on one of our emergency dentists , this sedation works quickly compared to others. This is because they can continually adjust the sedation level applied to the patient.
  • General Anesthesia – General anesthesia is referred as deep sedation. The sedative drug applied is high which makes you totally unconscious throughout the treatment. Since the effect of this drug doesn’t go away quickly, it leaves you unconscious for hours.

Other well-known types of sedation used in dentistry are Computer-Generated Anesthesia, Chloral Hydrate Sedation, Conscious Sedation, Electronic Anesthesia, DentiPatch and the likes.

How Can Sedation Dentistry Benefit You?

Sedation dentistry is indeed one of the most in-demand treatments. Aside from its effects to anxious patients, this offers benefits to the doctors too. Sedation dentistry promotes convenience to dentists especially in delivering the treatment. This is the best way to provide the right dental care for patients without fretfulness.

With sedation dentistry, you can enjoy patient relaxation, movement control, control of gag reflex and time-saving.

Regardless of chosen sedation type, you should be aware that these treatments should be administered by a professional dentist. The numbing medication will help you relax while your dentist works with your dental illness.

Cold Facts of Cold Sores

Based on research, dental issues are a  real nuisance. One common way that triggers it is bad oral habits. The practice involves skipping daily flossing and brushing. Of course, let’s not forget skipping dental visits. With all these behaviors your teeth become prone to countless dental problems like cavities.

(Added Article) Cold Facts of Cold Sores

In terms of changes, one dental problem that alters your mouth, teeth and face is cold sores.

Cold sores are caused by a virus, called Herpes Simplex Virus. This condition normally appears on the lips and form blisters. Blisters contain liquid that dry up over time. They normally form scabs and then heal. Although the blisters are nowhere to be found, the viruses are believed to remain inside your system. No wonder why they’re still considered contagious.

Similar with other dental problems, cold sores have treatments. Although some say that the treatment for this condition is to let it run the course and scab up.

Dental experts conveyed that cold sores are harmless. However, the entire course of this condition can leave you in great tears!

Cold sores are packed with countless pain.  Research shows that cold sores are often transmitted thru saliva. This involves kissing. Regardless of causes cold sore outbreaks normally last a week and usually evolve in five stages. The first stage is the tingle stage, followed by: the blister stage, then ulcer stage, crusting stage and the healing stage.

Individuals with cold sores are recommended to find ways from spreading the virus.


Effective Ways to Minimize Cold Sore Outbreaks

Cold sore outbreaks are best minimized through dental treatments and consultations. More often than not, your dentist will conduct a review of your medical history and will go through a visual examination. 

Since cold sores are inevitable. The best way to relieve pain is to minimize the cause of outbreaks. The most common medication prescribed by your dentist is acyclovir. Acyclovir is an antiviral medication that can shorten your cold sore herpes experience. This medication is available in ointment and cream form. Acyclovir can be applied in any stage of your cold sore outbreak. Cold sore sufferers can also acquire other treatments for the virus. Research shows, the treatments of this condition can be found in homeopathic, natural or Eastern medicines.


Another natural treatment that reduces cold sore outbreak is a healthy lifestyle.

Reduce stress – Stress is considered as the most common cause of inducing cold sores. One effective way to minimize stress is to consider stress-reducing activities like yoga and acupuncture.

Boost immune system – Most individuals with cold sores have poor immune system. Studies proved that cold sore outbreak is best minimized through taking extra Vitamin C supplements.

How to Prevent Cold Sores?

Experts acknowledged that the best way to fight cold sores is to prevent it in the first place. Since cold sores are contagious, it’s wise to avoid any contact to someone with blisters.  In case you can see signs of blisters on the lips refrain from touching them. Make sure your hands are always clean to avoid the virus from spreading.



The Bad Breath Tale

Teeth are like us, humans. They can be good if treated well. And they can be painfully mean if otherwise. Therefore,  if you experience tooth pain you must have done wrong. No wonder why it’s always sensible to learn dental care.

Dental care is the number one preventive method that fights dental problems. The most common and basic dental care practice is the flossing and brushing of your teeth daily. The method protects teeth from bad bacteria, traces of sugar and possible risks of dental difficulties like cavities and periodontal disease.

Natural Remedies for Bad Breath - SolutionsWhile a person decides to stop oral hygiene and dental care, chances of developing dental problems are high. Aside from affecting your dental health this puts a damper on your entire life. And speaking of negatively affecting your life, one of the most typical dental problems experienced by men and women today is bad breath.

Bad breath goes by many names like: halitosis, terrible breath, awful breath and dreadful breath. Bad breath truly is a huge burden to your dental health.


Having bad breath is embarrassing. That is why it pays to learn the root causes of bad breath and how can you get rid of it!

 Root Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a known biological reaction. This is characterized as the release of volatile sulfur due to hydrogen sulfide and methyl marcaptan.

Dental professionals stated that bad breath exists due to several reasons. The most prevalent cause is bad oral habits. The term implies skipping daily flossing, brushing of teeth and regular dental visits with your dentist. Other culprits that cause bad breath are the food traces that remain in your mouth and teeth even after your brush. As the food debris start to rot, it begins to smell.

Bad breath can be of many things. And it can also be triggered by plenty of things, instances and occurrences. Here are the other bad lists that cause bad breath.

Food – Aside from food traces, there are exactly certain foods that cause bad breath. Among these foods are onions, garlic, cheese and other dairy product items. The aforementioned foods are most likely called as smelly foods. Smelly foods affect the digestive process. Research indicated that these types of foods induce strong gases which might result to a very unpleasant odor. If left ignored, the gases become twice stinky, causing bad breath.

Tongue – A lot of dentists verified that tongue brushing is the key for healthier mouth. The main reason is to prevent bad bacteria. Bad bacteria are among the root causes of bad breath. Since tongue is bacteria’s favorite place to hang-out, it’s wise to discover ways about how you can avert it from flourishing. The lesser your acquire bacteria, the lesser chances of developing this problem.

Excessive Vitamin Usage – Vitamins are body’s energizer. They are designed for health purposes. However, uncontrollable usage of this supplement can cause risks of tummy ache. Apart from that, the practice is discovered to promote bad breath.

Pre Existing Medical Conditions – Bad breath can be acquired based on your condition. This is among the given facts why your dental health plays an integral role to your overall welfare. One of the most common medical conditions that cause bad breath is dry mouth. Also known as xerostomia, dry mouth is identified as decreased of saliva production due to other preexisting medical conditions, like anemia and diabetes. As a result of reduced production of saliva, bad breath arises.

Cavities are also other factors that induce bad breath. Thanks to your decayed tooth that is unlikely to produce a bad odor. If left unchecked cavities may result to an abscess. A dental abscess is a pocket of pus that carries countless bad bacteria which adds and additional ingredient to the bad breath experience.

How to Fight and Resolve Bad Breath?

The factors mentioned above are just among the few that trigger bad breath.

There are several easy steps to fight bad breath. The solution is already stated above – dental care. Hence, this obliged you to floss, brush your teeth on daily basis and never skip seeing a local  dentist in LA. Bad breath can also be averted through over-the-counter remedies. Studies proved that :breath mints, strips and mouthwashes reduce potential risks of bad breath. These preventive ways can be your ticket for achieving fresh breath. To top it all, fighting bad breath means practicing good oral hygiene or dental care and visiting your dentist at least twice every year.